How SEO Copywriting Works | Dance to Googles Ranking Algorithm

SEO copywriting works by been designed to accommodate the Google Ranking Algorithm. Google control internet search as they are about 70% of all search engines, there are a number of other search engines that fight for the balance Yahoo and Firefox being the larger of the last 30%. So Google dictates all internet search. For…

How SEO Copywriting Works | Dance to Googles Ranking Algorithm was originally published on WordPress Videos

Tinymce advanced for Gutenberg – Enhance Classic and Paragraph blocks with this plugin

Want more formatting options in Gutenberg WordPress editor? Well, with TinyMCE advanced plugin you can add a lot of options to both classic block and the paragraph block that come with default block editor. You can add WordPress tables, add subscript, superscript, change text color, background color, add links, add media, view source code and…

Tinymce advanced for Gutenberg – Enhance Classic and Paragraph blocks with this plugin was originally published on WordPress Videos

SEO copywriting training: readability

If you want your content to rank, you should write great content for your website. Fortunately, copywriting is a skill you can learn! In this SEO copywriting training, we’ll help you develop your copywriting skills. You’ll learn how to write copy that readers will love, and how to tweak it for search engines. Besides that,…

SEO copywriting training: readability was originally published on WordPress Videos

25 Most Useful WordPress Widgets for Your Site

25 Most Useful WordPress Widgets for Your Site WordPress allows you to easily customize your site layout through widgets. There are many WordPress plugins and themes that allow different kinds of widgets. In this video, we will show you the 25 most useful WordPress widgets for your site. If you liked this video, then please…

25 Most Useful WordPress Widgets for Your Site was originally published on WordPress Videos

Google Site Kit Plugin for WordPress Setup & Settings for Analytics, AdSense, Search Console etc.

Google Site Kit Plugin for WordPress Setup & Settings for Analytics, AdSense, Search Console etc.

Google Site Kit Plugin for WordPress Setup & Settings for Analytics, AdSense, Search Console etc. was originally published on WordPress Videos

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