Introducing the Trinity Audio WordPress plugin

Introducing the Trinity Audio WordPress plugin

Introducing the Trinity Audio WordPress plugin was originally published on WordPress Videos

Published by adrenalinewp

Hi, I'm Stephen Brown. I am the person behind the scenes here at Adrenaline Digital Marketing. In case you're wondering where the Adrenaline part came from, that's my user name on the Warrior Forum where I got my start in marketing. I've adopted that for my "Pen Name" if you will. I have been involved in Internet marketing for around 9 years now, first as an affiliate marketer. I make a living by doing Custom WordPress Development for local businesses plus an occasional IM client. At iDevelop WP, I sell WordPress plugins I've created for myself that many find very useful for marketing. I started this blog to share some of the experience and knowledge that I've gained over the years during my marketing journey. The content you will find here is a result of many lessons learned the hard way. Hopefully I can save you some time, effort and pain on your journey. On a personal note, as you might have guessed from the photo above I happen to be a fan of the LA (again) Rams. In truth, I'm just a huge football fan in general. I listen to primarily alternative music these days but Rock and Metal still have a place in my heart. I have a passion for good food and drink, and I love to cook. I'm also a closet Photoshop addict who loves to play with graphics in my spare time. But enough about me. Now about digital marketing...

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